The Document/Link List widget allows you to have a neat, seperate widget to organize any documents or links you may want your golfers to be able to see, like an article on how handicaps are calculated, or a video from the PGA Tour.
The Document widget editor looks lilke this:
Each of the different links can be moved up and/or down, or deleted. Documents and web links are added in much the same way, with only one minor difference.
For a document, you have to have uploaded the document before hand, and you'll choose the document out of your uploads. For links, you simply need to copy over the web link. For both, you will need to add a description, which will be the text with the hyperlink that will be on the website.
A finished Document/Link List may look something like this:
If you have any more questions, you can submit a ticket or call the help desk at (919)-460-1628